Pic: Franky
Hopes everythings fine with u guyz. Im ok! Tomorrow its my birthday and tonight im getting drunk like every other day!! Kidding. Take care! hugzNkizz

Here's three photos from my photo booth. Thought it would be fun to just pick out some pictures from random occasions. UM, no. All my photo booth pictures is too goofy, too old or drunk ones. Well, Today I bought a new pair of black jeans and a new t-shirt, interesting day of mine!!! bye
Som ni vet så bor jag i stockholm sedan i fredags och sen dess så har jag egentligen mest druckit öl, käkat regnbågstårta, träffat nya personer och gått runt på, för mig, nya gator. Gör ingenting annat än stormtrivs!
Har lite problem med att fixa internet men det är på G. Så då är jag igång igen!
Som ni vet så bor jag i stockholm sedan i fredags och sen dess så har jag egentligen mest druckit öl, käkat regnbågstårta, träffat nya personer och gått runt på, för mig, nya gator. Gör ingenting annat än stormtrivs!
Har lite problem med att fixa internet men det är på G. Så då är jag igång igen!
Här är lite bilder från ACE i fredags!
Heres some pictures from this friday at a nightclub called ACE here in stockholm. When im not drinking beer at ACE i've been hanging around with new (and old) friends. I'm having some problems with my internet, thats why my updating suckzz

Angelica and me at ACE this friday!

Louise and I

Louise and I


Flyttar till stockholm på fredag. Känns helt *amaziing* Lämnar tre galet bra år, med helt galet bra vänner bakom mig och ikväll säger vi hejdå till vårat andra hem Bongo. Utestället där jag har druckit en livstids mängd öl, kramats med fina vänner, träffat nya vänner, sett på när eleni spiller vin över folk - varjegång och säkerligen spillt själv. Känns en aning skumt att lämna allt som jag visserligen bara velat åka ifrån och aldrig blicka tillbaka till men samtidigt så känns det fett jävla bra.
Movin to stockholm this friday, feels awesome even though iv got great memories over here. Tonight im drinking beer at our favorite place! baibai
Hey guys! Im so sorry for my superbad update. I've been having some personal troubles in my life at the moment and i've just been focusing on my friends and work at the moment. In the middle of everything i've been moving to a new apartment. I finally feel like i've got my feets on the ground again. I hope you'll understand why i've been so distance to you. From now on, im back!
Eleni and me, while ago at bongo.


Me the other night.
I'm home visiting my family for christmas. It's such a christmas feeling over here which i didn't have at all leaving home in Jönköping. My dad fooled me that I was suppose to be santa this year, that they all had voted for me. I would be the worst santa ever. I dont know how to handle children at all, haha.

Me and Lovisa drinking green and red beer at one of many biergartens

one goodlooking girrl

feed the horse yum yum (Joachim and Linda)

The most tasty waffles iv ever tasted.


Me and my very beautiful friends

Doll face Frida at the best bar ever

Me and Felicia at the best bar ever

Me, obviously. Here you can see my new hair, What do you think? Most of you wanted me to dye my hair dark-brown so i did. Hoho!

Emil and Jonathan

Joachim, Nadine, Her boyfriend Daniel and Marcus!

Lina, Oscar, Vanessa and Eleni on the floor, haha♥

There was a couple of live-bands playing and i saw Compadre from the front row with Jonathan, they were great! you should check them out.

Angelica, somefunnyguy, Marcus.

You could see me with a beer in my hand running around and mingle someone told me. Haha.

Rasmus, Emelie and Anton - Have anyone seen misfits? Juust sayin'
Over all it was a great night with great people.

some wierd-looking picture of me.
Hey guys! I dyed my hair dark-brown the other day and cut almost everything of. Still got the same haircut though. Just shorter. Kind of regret it, guess its just new and feels weird.
But whats up with you, you don't comment as much as you used to do. Not that i blame you I don't write that much anymore. My inspiration comes with your comments, silly but true. Im going to try to be better at this, I enjoy doing this so i dont know why its so hard, I just been having alot on my mind lately. well um, kiss on the cheek and talk to you later!

Jacket H&M
Oversize shirt MQ
Jeans Cheap Monday
Shoes: H&M

Here's two pictures from last night when me, Joachim and Frida went to Bongo bar. Had a few to many shots and maybe one or two to many beers. We live when we're young, right? Anyway had a great night with great people!

Hey guys! In my previous post i asked you to leave a comment if you or someone you know of had a blog I might be interested in. I got surprised how awesome you are. You're all so handsome and talented! I toatally got some new blogs to put on my list to read.
By the way, I'm thinking of dying my hair black or very very dark brown, any ideas?
Laterz Pies and bees!
I miss walking around at the streets of Berlin, checking out the secondhand stores, Drinking beer at biergarten, talking about where and when we should go out that night. Right now I'm bored out in Jönköping. If Ive got some reader from Berlin, could i come live with you? haha.
By the way, do you have or know of someone else who have a cool blog, let me know!

Picture of me from my trip to Berlin in may this year. The best trip I've ever made!
By the way, do you have or know of someone else who have a cool blog, let me know!

Picture of me from my trip to Berlin in may this year. The best trip I've ever made!
I killed the teen dream


Beanie: JC
Sunnies: Rayban
Jacket: H&M
Tshirs: MQ
Phants: Weekday
Shoes: Scorett
We will always have paris

1, unknown 2, it's me 3, hedi slimane frances
Hey guys! I was thinking about doing one of those lists but I thought maybe someone have something you want me to write about? Would be fun!
Anyway, Today I'v been eating lunch with my moms sister and her husband. Great seeing them again, Since they living in the USA its been a long time since last time I saw them. funfunfun. Later today I will be posting an new outfit! lotsoflove

Me at Cyprus this summer.
Tja kompisar! Nu är jag äntligen tillbaka här i bloggen efter att ha rest runt lite i sommar plus att min dator har varit trasig. Ser fram emot att uppdatera och hänga med er igen. Jag har massvis med material att posta så det ska bli kul!
Det är hur fint som helst med er som bett mig att uppdatera igen, Känns bra att ni gillar vad jag har att komma med!
Hey guys! I'm back on inter-space, woho! I've been traveling and my computer has been broke (it's actually true) But now its fixed and I'm so exited to start updating again! I have lots of outfits I've been taking during my "offline-time" and lots of pictures from all the things I've been doing this summer!
I'm so so so grateful for all of you who wanted me to start updating again, it means a lot to me that you like what I'm posting. Your awesome!

Hat: JC
Jacket: H&M
Shirt: Roling stones for Dressman.
Pants: Cheap monday
Shoes: Converse
Took some quick outfit-pictures in Berlin, the quality is not the best but i guess its better than nothing. Right after this we went to a biergarten ( like a beer garden, where you hang out drinking beer = Awesome!) and drank some beers. We tried out something we heard was very German: Green/Red beer. Weird but good taste. I prefer regular though.

Nu är jag hemma från Berlin! Berlin är verkligen en plats att besöka, det har varit min bästa resa hittills. Människorna är vänliga rakt igenom, Staden är helt galet fin och alla klubbar och barer är de bästa jag någonsin varit på. Vill tillbaka nunu! Saknar verkligen allting, alla undergroundklubbar, dom rosa fluffiga väggarna på roses, det galna shopping utbudet. Jag saknar till och med Tunnelbanan. Jag vet att jag kommer åka tillbaka så fort som jag kan. Om inte för semester så skulle jag vilja flytta dit. Skulle varit fett!
Jag kanske postar några bilder från berlin senare idag!
Im back home from Berlin! It has been the best trip in my life. I just love that city. People are so nice, The town is so beautiful and the bars/clubs are the best I ever visited! It's a pitty to be back in Sweden actually. I miss everything soo much! I miss the underground clubs, the fluffy walls at Roses, The U-train, all the shopping and the cheap alcohol. I just know im going back soon, if not for vacation maybe I move there. Would be awesome!
Maybe I'll post some pictures from Berlin later today!
much love
(some of you had written emails asking me if I quit blogging - No, i don't. I had no computer in Berlin, thats why I didn't update)
Coffee bar

Jag just nu! Ska alldeles strax möta upp Eleni för en fika i solen. Idag kan man plocka fram solglasögonen, äntligen! Hoppas att ni också har planer i det fina vädret! Vi hörs senare!
Hey guys! This is me right now. I'm in a hurry to meet up Eleni for some coffee in the sun. And for the first time in forever I can finally use my sunnies! I hope you got great plans for today as well! Talk to you later!